Saturday, 21 May 2011

Weight Loss Calculator, Free Weight Loss Calculators and Tools

Weight Loss Calculator, Free Weight Loss Calculators and Tools

I've found no other online calculators as useful and indepth as yours.

Our bodies react differently to the amount of foods that we eat and the activities that we partake in, therefore we require customized approaches. There are weight loss calculators & tools that we can use to establish the status of our bodies and what we need to do to lose weight and monitor our progress as we go.
Tools and calculators are great motivators, it allows you to track the progress of your program at any time and helps you focus on your goals.

Free Calculators and Tools 

Calories and Nutrients

Calorie Calculator
How many calories should you be consuming each day? Also displays 7 day calorie cycle (zig zag).
Weight Gain Calculator
Calculates optimal amount of calories, carbs, protein, and fats for muscle gain.
Macro-Nutrient Calculator
How many grams of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat should you be eating at each meal?
Calories Burned
Will calculate the number of calories burned by a variety of exercises.
Pregnancy Calorie Calculator
Calculates daily calorie needs during pregnancy.
Breastfeeding Calorie Calculator
Calculates daily calorie needs while breastfeeding.

Estimate Weight Loss

Weight Loss Calculator
How long will it take to lose the weight?
Based on your goal weight and daily calorie deficit.

Personal Measurements

Ideal Body Weight
What is your ideal body weight?
Body Fat Calculator
Calculates body fat percentage based on skinfold measurements or a simple waist measurement.
BMI Calculator
Does the government think you are overweight?
Waist to Hip Ratio
This calculator can determine whether your fat distribution is unhealthy.


Target Heart Rate
What is your target heart rate for fat burning?
Calories Burned
Will calculate the number of calories burned by a variety of exercises.


Convert Stones, Pounds, Kilograms, Grams, Ounces, Calories and Kilojoules
Instant conversion between a variety of common units of measurement.

Weight Loss Calculator, Free Weight Loss Calculators and Tools

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