Sunday, 22 May 2011

Cheap,Easy and Fast Weight Loss

Cheap,Easy and Fast Weight Loss

Many of us want to lose weight but find that we cannot afford to embark on a strict diet which means expensive food bills, or joining an expensive gym. There are other alternative cheaper options to most diet and exercise programmes, and we can all benefit from following a few easy, fast and inexpensive ways to shed those unwanted pounds.
Here are a few tips for quick,easy weight loss the inexpensive way:

Calculating Our Calorie Intake
One of the most important things to be aware of when we are hoping to lose weight is exactly how many calories we are taking in. We should consider carrying a small note book with us at all times as this is a simple, easy way to know exactly what we have eaten. A quickly written note of exactly how many calories we have had in each meal will give us a clear view of how we stand. Having this knowledge at hand, we will be able to understand and be able to judge exactly what steps to take in order to cut down on calories to lose weight
Substitute the Soda Pop
Soda-pop drinks have a high calorie, high sugar and high sodium content. They are not only expensive, but are also responsible for a lot of excess body weight. When we drink soda, the high quantity of sodium it contains causes our body to retain more water than it normally would. If we are in the habit of regularly drinking large quantities of soda, then completely cutting out soda from our diet and substituting it with water, it will encourage an easy, faster and much cheaper way to
lose weight

Wholesome Home Cooked Food
We are all temped at some time by fast food restaurants. Their colourful advertising and temping menus make them an attractive and inviting place to take our family for a tasty meal, but even the lowest cost items all add up, making it an expensive outing. The cost is one issue the second is the high fat and
calorie content
of these meals. Cooking wholesome, nutritious food at home is a much better option and can be much less expensive.

We should endeavour to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and meat at our local supermarket or grocery store. Not only will it prove to be much cheaper than eating out, but it will also lead us into the habit of producing better quality, tastier and healthier food for ourselves and our family. We could invest in some inexpensive cook books or even source recipes on line so that we can learn to create not only new dishes, but also healthier versions of our fast food favourites. If we habitually create delicious, good food at home, we will have no desire to waste our money at expensive restaurants.

When we prepare and cook meals for ourselves we are able to employ a more sensible portion control. Many restaurants are excessive in their portion size making them far too large for most of us. When we are face with these meals, many of us feel guilty at leaving any, which leads us to overeat, overfill our stomach and add excess weight to our body as well as leaving a hole in our wallet.

Workout Inexpensively at HomeWe do not have to join an expensive gym to tone up and get fit. Walking, running and jogging are free and cycling is an excellent form of exercise. We could invest in some inexpensive gym equipment for our home it still works out cheaper than an annual gym membership. Another option buy workout DVDs. There are many inexpensive ones to choose from, covering a variety of different exercise such as aerobics, Pilates and steps for example.

Fast, easy and inexpensive weight loss is fun and achievable. All we need to do is be imaginative and creative.

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